BC Mines Act Permit 0.3¶
A verifiable credential schema for issuance of a Mines Act Permit within the province of British Columbia
- Publishing Organization: Energy and Mines Digital Trust, Government of British Columbia
- Primary Contact Email Address: EMDT@gov.bc.ca
Identifier | Location | URL |
S7S2wzcF2giKuwxdeLBk69:2:mines-act-permit:0.3 | bcovrin:test | http://test.bcovrin.vonx.io/browse/domain?page=1&query=mines&txn_type=101 |
Credential Appearance¶
The following are the GitHub IDs of those authorized to make substantive updates to the OCA Bundle.
OCA Bundle Contributors | GitHub ID | Email Address |
Jason Syrotuck | jsyro | jasyrotuck@gmail.com |
Kyle Robinson | kylegrobinson | kyle.robinson@briartech.ca |